Monthly Archives: November 2013

Panther Creek Academy Robotics

Hello! I’m going to write a little about my robotics team.

Panther Creek Academy Robotics is a Christian robotics team made up of students from Olathe, KS. and the surrounding area. Our student’s ages range from 5th to 12th, and we accept boys and girls from public, private and homeschools. Our team works through B.E.S.T Robotics ( and every year we build a robot capable of accomplishing the game challenge created by B.E.S.T. Inc, which changes from year to year. 

Panther Creek Robotics faced tough competition this year at our robotics competition hub, but were one of the 4 teams to advance to regional competition. We won the B.E.S.T. Award, an award that goes out to a team who has the highest scores in the Marketing Presentation, Project Engineering notebook, Spirit and Sportsmanship and Trade Show booth. That was enough to carry us to regionals, but we also won 3rd Place Robot award! Regional Competition will be held in Ft. Smith AK.

Robotics is a great opportunity to learn about engineering, programming science, public speaking, and much more. If you’re interested in our team, here’s a link to our website: